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Premier article en anglais
Publié le 21.10.2010 à 18:49 par Rédempteur

Tiens, je sais que la plupart s'en cognent la patate, mais je m'en fous, je le publie quand même, mon premier article en anglais pour tenter d'obtenir un stage.

Pour ceux qui comprenent l'anglais, bah, let me know what you think Ah ouais, l'intro explique une erreur que j'ai fait, en grand débutant que je suis

Never, oh god, never trust your knowledge of English. Even if it "sounds" good, it's not. I was writing an article for the sports centre, and well, first of all, it's my first article about Sports, so it was quite hard. And then, in most languages, we speak about "a team" or "a country" with the word "it". In other words, we would usually say "Scotland was playing against". The thing is, in English, the name of the country is not singular, because we are talking about the team, which means several players. So you have to say "Scotland were playing against...". And then, and then I said " Oh shit". Anyway, here's the article.

Scotland and Wales miss the train to the European Cup. England and Northern Ireland stronger than ever.

Scotland were playing last Friday in Czech Republic their last chance against one of the top East-European teams to have the opportunity to take part to the UEFA Euro 2012 in Poland. Unfortunately for the Northern Rangers, the Czechs managed to dominate the match and to win on a score of 1-0. The defeat wasn’t as terrible as expected but, still, Scotland seems to be definitely evicted from the European Cup. The team, which didn’t even manage to take part to the World Cup this year in South-Africa, needs to rebuild entirely its tactics in order to play its ace during the second part of the qualifications in 2011.

Back in March 2010, Scotland were playing a friendly-match against Czech Republic and won 1-0 despite the domination of the Czechs. Friday’s match was also dominated by the Czech Republic. Craig Levein, the manager of the team, said he was “terribly disappointed by the results” but noticed that he “was still satisfied by his tactical system”. Scotland will face on Tuesday the leader of group I and current world champion Spain.

Scotland ‘s neighbors managed to unlock some breaking achievements last weekend though, with Northern Ireland holding a solid 1-1 against Italy, after their victory against Slovenia, and England winning its last match. Unfortunately, Wales were unable to win any match so far and seem also far away from getting a ticket to the Euro 2012. Collins, the leader of the Welsh team, said his team would “need a miracle” to qualify for the Euro 2012 after their spectacular failure in Bulgaria and Montenegro. Wales, which are in the same group as England, remain at the bottom of the group with 0 points, far away behind Montenegro (9 points) and England (6 points). The English team remain one of the favorites in Europe for the qualifications after their two wins against Bulgaria (4-0) and Switzerland (3-1).

So far, only the most popular European teams have managed to lead their respective groups, with Germany, Netherlands and Spain achieving great results across Europe. The small surprise came from Norway. The Scandinavian team won every match so far and stays at the first place of its group, leading Cyprus and Portugal. Solskjaer, the “legend” of Norwegian football, said the current team was probably the greatest hope for the Scandinavian football in the entire history, underlining the fact that his team even overcame Portugal, one of the favorite European teams in these qualifications.

Posté le 21-10-10 @ 19:09

J'ai compris que ça parle de foot, du Portugal et d'un genre de norvégien qui croit que son pays va se qualifier pour l'euro...ils sont rigolos les norvégiens
Posté le 21-10-10 @ 22:21

Gamertag :
J'aime pasle foot donc j'ai vite décroché! ^^
Par contre je trouve que tu à fais un peu trop de répétitions de "Czech" dans le second paragraphe. Sinon bah ... t'as réussi quelque chose auquel je trime dur pour ne pas réussir. J'ai de grosses lacunes d'expressions écrites. ^^
Donc bravo à toi et j'espère que tu décrocheras ton stage.
Posté le 21-10-10 @ 23:10

Je ne suis pas journaliste ni anglais ^^ mais je lis beaucoup d'articles dans la langue de Shakespeare (JV, foot, news ...) et honnetement à part une ou deux répétitions je ne vois rien qui cloche. C'est bien écrit et ça se lit trés bien , en plus tu fais bien tourner le vocabulaire. Bonne chance pour ton stage ^^
Posté le 22-10-10 @ 04:10

Gamertag :
Bah ça se boit comme du petit lait mon Red..
Le traduire et le lire c'est facile pour moi mais en écrire un ça me prendrait le chou, j'ai un probleme avec la conjugaison en anglais.
Respect, j'espère que tu décrochera ton Stage mon Red.
Posté le 22-10-10 @ 22:09

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